5. While I am (still) expanding and upgrading this site, I most certainly welcome your comments,suggestions and/or questions. Feel free to contact me on:
I always try to be as simple and as straightforward as possible. But, if you don’t agree, let me know!
2. From the contents page, you can decide which pages you want to read and learn from.
3. In addition, every page has the possibility, in the sidebar to the right, of dowloading a pdf file of that page. Also, in many pages, there is the possibility of looking at the glossary dedicated to that page and to test your knowledge with the help of several MCQ’s.
4. Oh yes! Did you know that you can better study (anything, not only physiology) from printext texts, rather then from screen?
From my own experience I know that, if I have to write an important letter or mail (like a job employment), I better print out my text and read it carefully before mailing it.
6. I am always surprised at how many mistakes I discover on paper that I had missed on screen.
Apparently, research has been performed on this subject which you can find in this text or this site.
(Physiology) Teachers!
As a former teacher, obviously I am delighted that you are looking at my website!
And, you are most welcome to use this website in your own teaching process; either by copying the link, or any particular page, directly or as a PDF, MCQ’s etc.
And feel free to change, in the PDF documents or whatever the text to you liking.
And, feel free to use my images, animations etc. all (cookies) free!
1. I need to acknowledge a LOT of people who helped me in learning and teaching physiology!
2. In the first place, my very first Physiology teacher at the University of Amsterdam; Lennart Bouman. His way of teaching (funny, witty) became a role model for me.
3. Also several other staff at that department played an important role in my career (Vic Bonke, Habo Jongsma, Peter Hollander).
4. I also learned a lot during my first appointment at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands (Maurits Allessie, Rob Reneman, and Ger van der Vusse amongst others)
5. The same was true during my appointment at the Medical School in Al Ain, in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. This is were I also started to develop a website for my students.
6. And this was further expanded with my friend John Morrison who joined me in HumanPhysiology.academy.
John unfortunately passed away recently.
NO Copyright and NO Cookies!
This site does not want any copyrights. It is totally FREE. You can use any of its contents, texts, images, animations etc. for your own purpose such as in your dissertations, lectures, or whatever.
I do appreciate, if you use some of these contents if you could let me know, by email (info@BasicPhysiology.org). And … if you have criticism or your discovered something wrong, please let me know!
Finally, this site does also not like and use Cookies! I mean these data links to your computer or mobile (not the real thing of course; I actually love real cookies, especially those made with chocolate!).
4. Recently, I discovered that Banksy (the famous street artist) has once said: “Copyright is for Losers!” I could not have said it better!! Thanks Banksy.